A novel therapeutic strategy is being facilitated by Dysolve, the first artificial intelligence-powered platform for resolving dyslexia and related learning difficulties.
Dyslexia is a neurological learning impairment that causes difficulties with reading, writing, and spelling for both adults and children. One in five persons suffer from the illness, which accounts for 80% to 90% of those with learning difficulties.
There was a time when this looked to be a permanent ailment. According to Coral Pau-San Hoh, CEO of Dysolve and co-founder of the AI platform that creates interactive verbal games tailored to assess each student, the new Dysolve AI software can fix dyslexia, a feat that even the most skilled human specialists are unable to accomplish.
Although Dysolve incorporates gamification strategies, it is not a platform for amusement. New game material for evaluation and correction is created by the pupils’ reactions. The AI technology fixes pupils’ fundamental processing issues through regular rectification.
Hundreds of primary pupils have benefited from the proprietary software’s assistance in improving their reading and learning abilities, and the Dysolve approach is currently undergoing clinical studies to see whether it has broad educational potential.
Dyslexic kids face enormous challenges. As part of official school instruction, there has to be an earlier program for vocalization strategies, reading enhancement, and reading improvement. Before AI and cloud delivery, that was challenging to accomplish, Hoh told TechNewsWorld.
She is a known authority on the language processing of extraordinary people, co-inventor of AI technology for language impairments, and holder of a degree in linguistics. Her book “Dyslexia Dissolved: Successful Cases” focuses on the reasons for the current state of unresolved multifaceted dyslexia.
The Road To Displacing Dyslexia Voluntarily
As a community service after receiving her Ph.D., Hoh began working with young neighborhood kids in upstate New York. She was passionate in supporting pupils with language difficulties and attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD)-related learning challenges.
That adventure started when a friend confided in her that his son was having difficulty reading in school and that an examination would cost two thousand dollars. To test her method of treating dyslexia, Hoh volunteered to work with the youngster for free. This chance resulted in more “clients” for testing.
Hoh dealt with a wide range of pupils who suffered from several impairments and extremely serious language problems. Working with her test groups made her understand that dyslexia is a multifaceted condition. She started to make links between language processing issues and adult manifestations in all age groups.
Hoh so formally established her private consulting business. She built a computer system for real-time autonomous game generation based on observed symptoms and assessing performance using previously published studies. When these advancements happened a decade ago, artificial intelligence was still in its infancy.
Hoh wanted to build an AI-powered computer platform that could handle every case on its own. In order to locate the processing issues, this procedure included integrating a microprobe into the brain.
AI Research Done Behind Closed Doors
Over the past ten years, Hoh has built a proprietary software called Dysolve AI. She designed a solution using AI, despite the fact that it was not widely used until recently, specifically for her study and the objectives of treating dyslexia.
“We made absolutely no publicity about it. Our inception dates back to 2017. We’ve been testing it out as prototype games together for a long now,” said Hoh. “Other educational-based businesses are kind of catching up to what we accomplished in our field.”
Short passages that stimulate the learner to react and respond are used in Dysolve AI’s brain training program. It entails teaching the pupil to concentrate completely on reading, spelling, and listening. That’s when the processing issues become more apparent.
Initially, using iPads connected to servers hosting the AI platform, students worked on what would eventually become her Dysolve system. The pupils frequently scored below the 20th percentile in their schools’ standardized reading exams.
The AI-generated games that were made in response to the students’ replies were completed by them alone. Over the course of four months, their language and reading abilities improved to the 50th percentile, according to tracking findings.
That demonstrates the accuracy and effectiveness of the Dysolve method. Much data can be mined using Dysolve AI. To help students get better as soon as possible, we are talking about cross-referencing billions of data points per student,” she suggested.
How Dysolve AI Works
A significant amount of data has already been gathered since Hoh has been merging national datasets about dyslexia and educational data for diverse demographics for several decades. The general tools algorithms created by Hoh’s researchers are enhanced by Dysolve AI.
In the initial session of the procedure, the student plays a brief series of games lasting around three minutes. Dysolve AI creates a number of follow-up games over the next several sessions based on their answers. AI has the chance to develop an assessment and learn more about the signs of dyslexia with each session.
While Dysolve AI offers them round-the-clock tech help, private students frequently work at their own speed at home.
Group Discussions Continue to Take Place
The identical procedure is being attempted in an official classroom setting with earbuds on every kid. But according to Hoh, Dysolve AI still customizes the learning process.
She also mentioned how well the Dysolve AI technology has performed in test classrooms. According to recent research, middle school children may achieve at standardized performance levels by the time they enter high school, having done so for one or two years.
Thus far, the monitored outcomes for both student groups exhibit similarities. Students who took part were making up lost ground in vocabulary and other linguistic abilities. Due to time restrictions, a student may need to attend classes nonstop for up to two years.
Current Clinical Trials
Clinical studies for Dysolve AI began in the fall of 2022. This year is when those are supposed to expire.
Participating schools are in Illinois, Kansas, Ohio, Wisconsin, Mississippi, and North Carolina. Students in grades 3 through 8 participate.
According to Hoh, the trials aim to confirm Dysolve AI’s effectiveness by demonstrating its beneficial effects on participants’ states and standardized reading evaluations. The efficacy of the Dysolve approach as a dyslexia screener will be ascertained by the outcomes.
According to Hoh, “the clinical trial is essentially being used to replicate the sharp upward trajectory that we have observed in Dysolve users over the past six years.”
Participants in Dysolve utilize the platform during class or in after-school activities for 15 to 45 minutes per day, two to five days a week. These are poor readers; their reading evaluations often show them to be below the 30th percentile.
Under the direction of their Institutional Review Board, the University of Delaware’s Center for Research in Education and Social Policy (CRESP) created the curriculum and is currently autonomously carrying out a randomized controlled trial (RCT) to assess it. Dr. Henry May, the director of CRESP, is the primary investigator. He has supervised other comparable research that satisfy Institute of Education Sciences (IES) requirements.
Grandma Discusses Her Experience with Dysolve AI
Vicki Bozarth has been utilizing the AI-powered therapy approach at home for eight months with her three grandkids, ages seven, eight, and eleven. Since they started, she has seen a number of improvements.
She answered questions from parents about what to anticipate from the program in a video testimonial. She mentioned that patience and the capacity to handle irritation are two of the most important elements.
When writing in groups, the oldest has greater confidence. The eight-year-old enjoys writing and attempts to spell words she is unfamiliar with. The youngest has now become more verbally proficient, according to Bozarth.
She noted that bringing about change takes time. The brain is not able to alter quickly.
That may be annoying at times. However, progress has been made,” she said.
Anticipate Highs and Lows
The youngsters did not make much improvement in the first several months. When the new school year began, Bozarth saw a noticeable improvement in their academic performance.
Every day, often five days a week, the three kids each spend 20 minutes using the Dysolve platform. It doesn’t bother the two elder kids to work. It took the youngest longer to get used to the schedule.
Bozarth claims that her grandkids take pride in the tasks they produce. She keeps an eye on them despite the fact that they must work alone. She also makes sure to give them credit for their accomplishments.
She said, “I also try to tell them how proud I am of the work they put in and encourage them when they’re struggling and remind them that nothing happens right away and that success takes time and effort.”
She counseled parents to work with the program consistently. They took a summer vacation and were away from the platform for a few weeks. When the kids got home, she could see they were a little rusty.